It’s Been Almost a Year!

My relationship with writing

AbdulElah (Abi)
3 min readDec 27, 2023
Photo by Crazy Cake on Unsplash

Hey friends,

I’ve held the intention of resuscitating my Medium page for almost a year now, but I didn’t know how to start, or why to start at that.

What do I write about? Would people actually read what I have to say? Could what I write help someone out, even change their life?

The truth is, I had lost the initial spark that made me want to become a writer. I became filled with self-doubt and perfectionism, which made writing an endeavor that drained my energy. I doubted my ability and mulled over every word I wrote with a false belief that doing so would make my writing “perfect.”

Something was missing in the equation, so I decided to step away from the ambition of becoming a prolific writer, which was a huge relief — I didn’t need to force something to happen. I focused on other interests, like reading and the demands of daily life, relegating my love for writing to some undisclosed time in the future when it would perhaps become a joy again.

As I write this, I realize the answer to each question I posed is: “It doesn’t matter.” It doesn’t matter what I write about or if others read it. It doesn’t matter if what I write changes someone’s life. What matters is that I write because I love to write.



AbdulElah (Abi)

Productivity. Spirituality. Health. Self-Improvement. Fiction. Personal Essays (Email: IG: seeking_abi)